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Interreg SI-AT: Standard Projects (3rd cut-off date)
Funding Program
Interreg Slovenia-Austria
24.09.2024 12:00
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 41,500,000.00
Estimated EU contribution per project
between € 160,000.00 and € 1,500,000.00
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Call content
short description
The Programme's aim is to improve coordination and cooperation in the SI-AT border area to reduce border obstacles and unleash the potentials for a resilient and competitive region. Submissions are possible under all priorities and specific objectives (except SO 3.2.).
Call objectives
The following priorities and specific objectives have been developed within the programme:
- P1: A more resilient and sustainable region
- SO 1.1: Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and disaster resilience
- SO 1.2: Promoting the transition to a circular economy
- P2: A more competent and competitive region
- SO 2.1: Developing skills and competencies for work and life
- SO 2.2: Sustainable economic development based on culture and tourism
- P3: A better cooperation governance
- SO 3.1: Enhancing coordination and cooperation among institutions
Expected results
The programme proposes the following (non exhaustive) types of measures:
P1: A more resilient and sustainable region
- SO 1.1: Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and disaster resilience
- Development and implementation of strategies, action plans and pilot actions
- Know-how exchange and capacity building
- Strengthening of research and innovation capacities
- Awareness raising
- Digital solutions
- SO 1.2: Promoting the transition to a circular economy
- Development and implementation of strategies and action plans and pilot actions
- Building/establishing cross-sectoral cross-border networks
- Innovative and applicable solutions on resource efficiency that would stimulate the transition to a circular economy and effective use of natural resources
- Strengthening of research and innovation capacities
- Identifying legal barriers and proposing their removal
- Digital solutions
- Awareness-raising and exchange of know-how
P2: A more competent and competitive region
- SO 2.1: Developing skills and competencies for work and life
- Development and implementation of concepts, models and tools at all levels of education and training
- Pilot actions
- Development of curricula and training contents and tools
- Education and training activities, knowledge exchange
- Mentoring, internships
- Teacher/student/worker mobility and exchanges
- Establishing of cross-border networks and cross-border and cross-sectoral partnerships and exchanges
- Awareness-raising and skills promotion
- SO 2.2: Sustainable economic development based on culture and tourism
- Development and implementation of longer-term cooperation strategies, concepts, action plans
- Development and implementation of new cooperation models and tools
- Development and implementation of pilot actions
- Development of curricula, training contents and tools
- Education, training, mentoring, counselling, exchanges of students/staff/workers
- Joint promotion activities
- Awareness-raising activities
P3: A better cooperation governance
- SO 3.1: Enhancing coordination and cooperation among institutions
- Organisation of joint meetings, workshops and events
- Exchange of experience (to share solutions and increase their impact)
- Transfer of good practices
- Trainings, peer reviews and staff exchanges (to enhance institutional capacity)
- Data collection and studies (e.g. to better understand border obstacles and processes)
- Identification of legal barriers and proposals for eliminating them
- Development and implementation of strategies and action plans in the thematic areas addressed
- Drawing up cooperation agreements, administrative and legal provisions
- Elaboration of publications and campaigns
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
eligible entities
Education and training institution, International organization, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Private institution, incl. private company (private for profit), Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), Research Institution incl. University, Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
The partnership shall have at least one Project Partner from Slovenia and one from Austria.
The Lead Partners shall be located within the programme area. Institutions located outside the programme area but on the territory of a Member State involved in the programme can only act as Project Partners.
The Project Partners shall cooperate in project development, joint implementation and joint financing. In addition, they may cooperate in joint staffing.
other eligibility criteria
The SI-AT programme area of the Slovenia-Austria border region covers
- 8 Slovenian NUTS 3 regions (Gorenjska, Koroška, Savinjska, Podravska, Pomurska, Osrednjeslovenska, Goriška and Zasavska) and
- 8 Austrian NUTS 3 regions (Oststeiermark, West- and Südsteiermark, Graz, Östliche Obersteiermark, Unterkärnten, Klagenfurt-Villach, Oberkärnten and Südburgenland).
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSAIR - EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region, EUSALP - EU Strategy for the Alpine Space, EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
up to 36 months
Additional Information
The project application shall be submitted by the Lead Partner through Jems. The submitted application shall contain all the required data and be accompanied by signed and scanned documents annexed to the Application Form, as stated in the Manual for Beneficiaries. The project application shall be bilingual, written in both the Slovene and German language, except for the project summary, which shall be written in the Slovene, German and English language. In case of discrepancies, the language of the Lead Partner shall prevail.
Call documents
Interreg SI-AT Open Call for Standard Projects Call documentInterreg SI-AT Open Call for Standard Projects Call document(528kB)
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