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Enterprise Europe Network - 1st cut-off date
Funding Program
Single Market Programme
Call number
19.09.2024 17:00
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 182,500,000.00
Link to the call
Link to the submission
Call content
short description
The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) provides business support and advisory services – in particular for SMEs – by offering information, advisory services, feedback and partnering services, innovation, technology and knowledge transfer services. The Network provides services encouraging the participation of SMEs in the opportunities provided by the Single Market Programme (SMP) and Horizon Europe, as well as internationalisation services beyond the Single Market and informs SMEs on access to finance and funding opportunities (InvestEU), including those under the European Structural and Investment Funds.
Call objectives
This call for proposals establishes and ensures the continuous functioning of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) from 1 July 2025 until 31 December 2028 by selecting the consortia that will make up the Network.
To this end, applicants are invited to submit proposals:
- Defining the strategic approach and explaining how the objectives and requirements laid down in the present call will be addressed, taking account of the challenges faced by SMEs in the target region(s) and the specific strengths of businesses and the business environment; and
- Suggesting specific activities translating that strategic approach into action
The EEN activities directly contribute to the implementation of the SME Strategy and play an important role to help SMEs recover from the various crises, such as COVID-19, issues related to the Russian aggression in Ukraine and other supply chain disruptions. The EEN will continue to deliver sustainability and digitalisation advisory services to provide SMEs with the necessary support for the acceleration of the twin transition. At the same time, the EEN is a sounding board and a link between the Commission and the SME community in the implementation of the SME Strategy, the Green Deal Industrial Plan,the updated European industrial strategy and other EU policy priorities, such as the strengthening of the EU's open strategic autonomy and long-term competitiveness.
The Network aims to:
- Help EU SMEs finding international business, technology and research partners in the EU, SMP SME pillar associated countries and third countries, and find alternative solutions for SMEs facing supply chain problems;
- Help SMEs address sustainability challenges and opportunities through the EEN sustainability advisors in place in all EU regions;
- Help SMEs to digitalise by helping them to adapt their processes, use digital technologies to increase their competitiveness and develop new products and services using new digital means; EEN members shall also exploit synergies with the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH);
- Assist SMEs with assessments and capacity building services to address challenges that SMEs are faced with for sustainability, digitalisation and innovation management;
- Develop and provide a balanced integrated service range to help SMEs to become active in the Single Market and beyond (e.g. regarding EU legislation and programmes, EU funding, intellectual property rights), linking up with regional actors and policies to ensure regional integration of the network's services;
- Improve ’SMEs awareness on access to finance, in particular InvestEU, and including alternative sources of financing;
- Increase the impact and quality of services;
- Increase the competitiveness of SMEs by internationalisation and innovation support services;
- Provide advisory services to help scale-ups to develop their activities outside their own country;
- Use the SME feedback function to obtain SMEs opinion on EU policy options;
- Strengthen support for SMEs interested in participating in Horizon Europe and other EU funding programmes and corresponding calls for proposals, in particular encourage SMEs to participate in the European Innovation Council (EIC) actions;
- Develop a long-term relationship and provide integrated services to the beneficiaries of the EIC and possibly those who were awarded a Seal of Excellence; further enhance cooperation with Horizon Europe national contact points to help increase participation of SMEs;
- Improve SMEs awareness about other EU initiatives such as the Your Europe portal and the Single Digital Gateway and connected assistance services;
- Ensure visibility, recognition and local awareness about the EEN;
- Improve SMEs resilience including when they are faced with supply chain disruptions and other crises.
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Expected effects and impacts
It is essential that services offered by the Network demonstrate a clear objective positive impact on SMEs. The impact that Network services have on SMEs will be measured in terms of increased market share, increased turnover, optimised costs or realised savings in international activities, job creation or maintenance, improved quality of products, services or processes, introduced product or service innovations related to international activities, etc.
Network services are expected to result in:
- SMEs who are better adapted to deal with the challenges in the Single Market helping them to become more aware of the requirements or challenges that they may face in future for their specific types of business activities so that they can plan ahead and prepare, and support for overcoming immediate barriers they face for doing business in the Single Market;
- SMEs with improved international activities in third countries;
- SMEs who are more innovative in terms of products and services, and how they manage their business and innovation processes, and integrate green, clean and/or digital technologies and processes;
- SMEs who have better awareness of sustainability and existing support for their transition, and improved sustainable business models and activities;
- SMEs who have better awareness of the benefits of digital technologies and have successfully integrated them in their business model and activities;
- SMEs who are aware of sources of EU funding and other sources of finance for expanding their business internationally, and what they need to do to apply and/or to establish fruitful contacts with potential investors;
- SMEs who are more competitive, future-proof, and economically resilient;
- SMEs who are ready to provide their feedback and input in relation to upcoming EU legislation and to alert the European Commission about Single Market barriers or supply chain disruptions;
- SMEs who understand the importance of showcasing their successes and are ready to share them in a systematic way.
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Expected results
- Increased number of SMEs linked with other entities across Europe and beyond for cross-border business cooperation, technology and knowledge transfer and technology and innovation partnerships;
- Increased number of SMEs aware of sustainability challenges and opportunities and integrating them in their business processes;
- Increased number of SMEs implementing innovation activities and integrating structured innovation management approaches to improve their business processes and develop business opportunities;
- Increased number of SMEs integrating digitalisation to improve their business processes and developing new business opportunities;
- Higher rate of European SMEs exporting within the Single Market and outside the EU;
- Higher rate of European SMEs participating in EU programmes;
- Improvement in European SMEs understanding of EU legislation and of opportunities offered by EU programmes and EU access to finance;
- Increased number of companies reporting a successful outcome on their business in terms of turn-over and jobs created;
- Better visibility of the EEN by promoting success stories;
- Better knowledge/understanding within EU institutions of SMEs opinions, difficulties and expectations.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
Moldova (Moldova), Albania (Shqipëria), Armenia (Հայաստան), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина), Georgia (საქართველო), Iceland (Ísland), Kosovo (Kosova/Kosovë / Косово), Liechtenstein, Montenegro (Црна Гора), North Macedonia (Северна Македонија), Norway (Norge), Serbia (Srbija/Сpбија), Türkiye, Ukraine (Україна)
eligible entities
Education and training institution, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Other, Private institution, incl. private company (private for profit), Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), Research Institution incl. University, Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
Consortia should be composed of the appropriate mix of entities to ensure delivery of the full range of Network services in their designated geographic area.
An indicative and non-exhaustive list of host organisations for the Network includes:
- SME support organisations: sector and industry associations, export agencies, chambers of commerce, chambers of crafts, technology transfer companies, business incubators, clusters;
- Organisations with proven experience on resource efficiency and circularity support services;
- Trade promotion organisations (TPOs);
- Business organisations and representative organisations of SMEs;
- Regional development agencies;
- Innovation agencies;
- Research organisations or foundations;
- (Business support units of) higher education institutions.
To achieve the Network objectives, proposals should typically be submitted by a consortium made up of at least two entities (host organisations) in the covered geographic area. Proposals from single entities can be accepted in duly justified cases if these entities are able to provide the full range of services described in the call in the entire geographic area covered by the proposal.
Cross-regional consortia (consortia spanning over several administrative regions, including cross-border consortia) must have organisations acting in all regions they cover.
An efficient service delivery and coordination must be a determinant factor in establishing the adequate size of a consortium.
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
- be legal entities (public or private bodies)
- be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
- EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs))
- non-EU countries: listed EEA countries and countries associated to the Single Market Programme or countries which are in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement and where the agreement enters into force before grant signature (list of participating countries)
Specific cases:
Natural persons are NOT eligible.
International organisations are NOT eligible.
Entities which do not have legal personality under their national law may exceptionally participate, provided that their representatives have the capacity to undertake legal obligations on their behalf, and offer guarantees for the protection of the EU financial interests equivalent to that offered by legal persons.
EU bodies (with the exception of the European Commission Joint Research Centre) can NOT be part of the consortium.
Entities composed of members may participate as ‘sole beneficiaries’ or ‘beneficiaries without legal personality’. Please note that if the action will be implemented by the members, they should also participate (either as beneficiaries or as affiliated entities, otherwise their costs will NOT be eligible).
Beneficiaries from countries with ongoing negotiations (see above) may participate in the call and can sign grants if the negotiations are concluded before grant signature (with retroactive effect, if provided in the agreement).
other eligibility criteria
Enterprise Europe Network is expected to be present in all regions of the European Union, including outermost regions, and the other countries associated to the Single Market Programme to provide its services in close proximity to SMEs.
Each proposal must refer to a clearly defined geographic area. The NUTS classification with the administrative division of the EU and its partner countries can be used for the purpose.
The typical area covered by a proposal corresponds to NUTS1 administrative regions. While consortia are expected to serve the entire area covered by them, individual members of a consortium may be assigned smaller geographic areas (i.e. at NUTS2 level) provided this does not result in any service gaps in the geographic area covered by the proposal.
Should the NUTS1 level not correspond to domestic structures, coverage of alternative geographic areas of comparable size may be considered.
Provided this contributes to a higher efficiency and accessibility to the Network services for SMEs, the following options can be envisaged:
- Consortia in smaller countries with several NUTS1 regions may be formed on a nationwide principle.
- Cross-regional consortia may be acceptable in larger countries.
- Consortia may also be cross-border, i.e. cover administrative regions in more than one country.
In all cases, proposals are expected to cover geographically coherent areas enabling broadest access to SMEs and delivery of the full range of Network services. The suggested approach should be clearly explained in the proposal.
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSAIR - EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region, EUSALP - EU Strategy for the Alpine Space, EUSBSR - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
42 months
Additional Information
The first submission deadline (1st cut-off date) will be open to all eligible applicants.
The second submission deadline (2nd cut-off date) will be open to applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and who are established in:
- EU Member States and overseas countries and territories (OCTs) covering EU regions not included in the Network after evaluation of the proposals submitted at the first cut-off date. Note that proposals covering regions for which a successful proposal was submitted and evaluated positively will be excluded from the second cut-off.
- Non-EU countries that started negotiations with the European Commission for an association agreement to the SMP after the closing date of the first cut-off.
Proposals must be submitted electronically via the Funding & Tenders Portal Electronic Submission System (accessible via the Topic page in the Search Funding & Tenders section). Paper submissions are NOT possible.
Proposals (including annexes and supporting documents) must be submitted using the forms provided inside the Submission System ( NOT the documents available on the Topic page — they are only for information).
Proposals must be complete and contain all the requested information and all required annexes and supporting documents:
- Application Form Part A — contains administrative information about the participants (future coordinator, beneficiaries and affiliated entities) and the summarised budget for the project (to be filled in directly online)
- Application Form Part B — contains the technical description of the project (to be downloaded from the Portal Submission System, completed and then assembled and re-uploaded)
- mandatory annexes and supporting documents (templates available to be downloaded from the Portal Submission System, completed, assembled and re-uploaded):
- detailed budget table/calculator (mandatory excel template available in the Submission System)
- CVs (short outlines) of core project team
Your application must be readable, accessible and printable. Proposals are limited to maximum 70 pages (Part B). Evaluators will not consider any additional pages.
Call documents
Call Document SMP-COSME-2024-EENCall Document SMP-COSME-2024-EEN(1006kB)
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