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Post-quantum cryptography transition
Funding Program
Horizon Europe - Cluster 3 - Destination 4: Increased Cybersecurity
Call number
20.11.2024 17:00
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 18,900,000.00
Estimated EU contribution per project
between € 4,000,000.00 and € 6,000,000.00
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Call content
short description
Projects should focus on the improvement and implementation of current post-quantum cryptographic algorithms.
Call objectives
The advent of large-scale quantum computers will compromise much of modern cryptography, which is instrumental in ensuring cybersecurity and privacy of the digital transition. Any cryptographic primitive based on the integer factorization and/or the discrete logarithm problems will be vulnerable to large-scale quantum-powered attacks. The digital data/products/systems that derive their security ultimately from the abovementioned primitives will be compromised and must be upgraded - including their replacement when needed- to quantum-resistant cryptography. The massive scale of this foreseen upgrade shows that preparations are needed today in order to widely implement the relevant mitigations in the future. Many companies and governments cannot afford to have their protected communications/data decrypted in the future, even if that future still seems distant. There is a need to advance swiftly in the transition to quantum-resistant cryptography.
Post-quantum resistant cryptographic algorithms should be deployable in a dynamic manner in order to quickly react to new quantum computer developments. Recommendations for post-quantum cryptography have already been published, but have to be maintained up-to-date, Proposals received under this topic should contribute to developing coordinated European recommendations for the transition to post-quantum cryptography across the EU.
The identification and analysis of potential regulatory aspects and barriers for the developed technologies/solutions is encouraged, where relevant.
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Expected results
Projects’ results are expected to contribute to some or all of the following outcomes:
- Increasing the maturity of current post-quantum cryptographic algorithms and contribution to further standardisation;
- Easy-to-use tools for the large-scale implementation of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms, based on state-of-the-art standards;
- Secure and efficient transition from pre- to post-quantum encryption through tools implementing a hybrid approach combining recognised pre-quantum public key algorithms and additional post-quantum algorithms;
- Phase-in of post-quantum algorithms or protocols to new or existing applications;
- Demonstrators and good-practice implementations of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms on varied hardware and software platforms;
- Application-oriented recommendations for the widespread implementation of post-quantum cryptography across the EU.
Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
Moldova (Moldova), Albania (Shqipëria), Armenia (Հայաստան), Azerbaijan (Azərbaycan), Belarus (Беларусь), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина), Faeroes (Føroyar / Færøerne), Georgia (საქართველო), Iceland (Ísland), Israel (ישראל / إِسْرَائِيل), Kosovo (Kosova/Kosovë / Косово), Montenegro (Црна Гора), Morocco (المغرب), New Zealand (Aotearoa), North Macedonia (Северна Македонија), Norway (Norge), Serbia (Srbija/Сpбија), Tunisia (تونس /Tūnis), Türkiye, Ukraine (Україна), United Kingdom
eligible entities
Education and training institution, International organization, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Other, Private institution, incl. private company (private for profit), Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), Research Institution incl. University, Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
Unless otherwise provided for in the specific call conditions , legal entities forming a consortium are eligible to participate in actions provided that the consortium includes:
- at least one independent legal entity established in a Member State;and
- at least two other independent legal entities, each established in different Member States or Associated Countries.
The JRC, international European research organisations and legal entities created under EU law are deemed to be established in a Member State other than those in which the other legal entities participating in the action are established.
Applications for ‘Training and mobility’actions and for ‘Programme co-fund’ actions may be submitted by one or more legal entities, provided that one of those legal entities is established in a Member State or an Associated Country.
Applications for ‘Coordination and support’ actions may be submitted by one or more legal entities, which may be established in a Member State, Associated Country or, in exceptional cases and if provided for in the specific call conditions, in another third country.
Applications for ‘Pre-commercial procurement’ actions and ‘Public procurement of innovative solutions’ actions must include as beneficiaries a ‘buyers’ group’. This group must consist of a minimum of two independent legal entities that are public procurers, each established in a different Member State or Associated Country and with at least one of them established in a Member State.
Eligible non-EU countries:
- countries associated to Horizon Europe
Please see the List of Participating Countries in Horizon Europe for an up-to-date list of countries with which the association agreements have started to produce legal effects (either through provisional application or their entry into force).
- low-and middle-income countries
Legal entities which are established in countries not listed above will be eligible for funding if provided for in the specific call conditions, or if their participation is considered essential for implementing the action by the granting authority.
other eligibility criteria
In order to achieve the expected outcomes, and safeguard the Union’s strategic assets, interests, autonomy, and security, participation in this topic is limited to legal entities established in Member States, Associated Countries and OECD countries. Proposals including legal entities which are not established in these countries will be ineligible.
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSAIR - EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region, EUSALP - EU Strategy for the Alpine Space, EUSBSR - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
Additional Information
All proposals must be submitted electronically via the Funders & Tenders Portal electronic submission system (accessible via the topic page in the Search Funding & Tenders section). Paper submissions are NOT possible.
Proposals must be complete and contain all parts and mandatory annexes and supporting documents, e.g. plan for the exploitation and dissemination of the results including communication activities, etc.
The application form will have two parts:
- Part A (to be filled in directly online) contains administrative information about the applicant organisations (future coordinator and beneficiaries and affiliated entities), the summarised budget for the proposal and call-specific questions;
- Part B (to be downloaded from the Portal submission system, completed and then assembled and re-uploaded as a PDF in the system) contains the technical description of the project.
Annexes and supporting documents will be directly available in the submission system and must be uploaded as PDF files (or other formats allowed by the system).
The limit for a full application (Part B) is 45 pages.
Call documents
HE-Work Programme 2023-2024, Cluster 3HE-Work Programme 2023-2024, Cluster 3(1701kB)
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