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Call key data
Interreg HU-SK: Call for Proposals - Tourism
Funding Program
Interreg Hungary-Slovakia
Call number
31.01.2025 12:00
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 32,710,280.00
Estimated EU contribution per project
€ 4,000,000.00
Link to the call
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Call content
short description
The Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade acting as the Managing Authority and the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic acting as the National Authority are announcing a Call for proposals within the Interreg Hungary-Slovakia Programme. The following topic is open for proposals: Action 2.4.2: Complex development of tourism destinations.
Call objectives
Action 2.4.2 aims to improve the overall sustainability and competitiveness of tourism destinations in the programme area by providing integrated and harmonised tourism offers across the border. The action is implemented trough cross-border territorial action plans tailored to the region-specific natural and cultural values of the different target areas, the motivations and complex needs of potential tourists and their communication and media consumption habits.
Expected results
The action will be implemented through cross-border territorial action plans containing a clear vision for the tourism destinations and a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 8 project proposals tailored to different target areas. The project proposals can be divided into four categories depending on the nature of its’ core activities.
- Coordination and communication project (CCP): The coordinating organisations must create their own project. The CCP project must undertake the following activities:
- the coordination of the TAP consortium,
- the preparation of partner and project reports for each partner of the TAP,
- organising or participation on trainings and study tours for the members of the consor tium and employee of the tourism industry in the target area to get know the available offer provided by the target area.
- Non-profit development projects (NDP): NDP projects shall include development activities related to touristic attractions or assets that operates (or will operate after the implementation) on non-profit basis. NDP projects shall in clude the following activities:
- renovation, reconstruction, and enhancement of cultural, historical and religious sites to ensure their accessibility for the visitors or sustainable use for tourism,
- restoration and development of natural landscapes and trails to ensure their accessibil ity for the visitors or environmentally friendly use for tourism,
- improving the infrastructural background and accessibility of existing tourism attractions (e.g. car parks, cycle paths, walkways etc.), and
- development of attractions by creating experience-focused services.
- For-profit development projects (FDP): FDP projects shall include development activities related to tourism attractions, assets or ser vices that operates (or will operate after the implementation) on for-profit basis. FDP projects shall include the following activities:
- development of existing tourism attractions to ensure their sustainable and efficient op eration and
- development of new or existing market-based tourism services.
- Marketing and capitalization project (MCP): The marketing and capitalisation project shall include all marketing and capitalisation activities related to the destination, thematic offer or any attraction. The capitalisation project shall include the following activities:
- joint marketing and capitalization of the tourism destination,
- harmonisation and joint marketing of tourism offers across the border,
- joint marketing and capitalization of the touristic attractions based on networking and cross-promoting measures,
- development of thematic routes and joint tourism packages.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
eligible entities
Education and training institution, International organization, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), Research Institution incl. University, Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
The minimum requirement for a project partnership is to have at least one Slovak and one Hungarian partner. The maximum number of Beneficiaries within the partnership is not limited.
In order to be eligible, projects must contribute to at least three out of the following four cooperation criteria.
- Joint development (compulsory)
- Joint implementation (compulsory)
- Joint financing
- Joint staffing
Eligible coordinating organisations are the following:
- European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation,
- Regional Governments at NUTS (III) level,
- Territorial Development Agencies founded or registered by Regional Governments at NUTS (III) level,
- Registered destination management organisations.
Besides the coordinating organizations the main target groups of the Action 2.4.2 are the following:
- European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation,
- Local and regional governments and their non-profit or economic organisations,
- Development agencies,
- Destination management organisations,
- National Park directorates,
- Nature Park organisations,
- Museums and cultural institutions,
- Churches,
- Nature and environment protection organisations,
- Non-governmental organisations,
- Small and medium sized enterprises.
other eligibility criteria
The programming region on the Slovak side covers the following 5 NUTS3 regions:
- SK010 - Bratislava region
- SK021 - Trnava region
- SK023 - Nitra region
- SK032 - Banská Bystrica region
- SK042 - Košice region
The programming region on the Hungarian side includes the following 8 NUTS3 regions:
- HU110 - Budapest
- HU120 - Pest county
- HU212 - Komárom-Esztergom county
- HU221 - Győr-Moson-Sopron county
- HU311 - Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county
- HU312 - Heves county
- HU313 - Nógrád county
- HU323 - Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county
Maximum duration per project category:
- CCP: 48 months
- NDP: 30 months
- FDP: 30 months
- MCP: 24 months
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
between 24 and 48 months
Additional Information
Application forms must be filled in in English and submitted online via the application module of the Interreg+ monitoring system. Applicants can access the online application module via the following link:
The Call is divided into two parts with different identification numbers. Lead applicants must submit their project proposals as follows:
- HUSK/2401/01
- Coordination and communication project
- HUSK/2401/02
- For-profit development project
- Non-profit development project
- Marketing and capitalization project
Call documents
Interreg Slovakia-Hungary 2021-2027 programmeInterreg Slovakia-Hungary 2021-2027 programme(1472kB)
HUSK2401 Call for proposalsHUSK2401 Call for proposals(1100kB)
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