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Not-for-profit European sport events
Funding Program
Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 – Cooperation among Organisations and Institutions
Call number
05.03.2024 17:00
Call budget
€ 7,000,000.00
Link to the call
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Call content
short description
This Action aims to support the organisation of sport events with a European dimension.
Call objectives
The action targets the following fields:
- Volunteering in sport;
- Social inclusion through sport;
- Fight against discrimination in sport, including gender equality;
- Encouraging healthy lifestyles for all: projects under this priority will mainly focus on:
- the implementation of the three pillars of the HealthyLifestyle4All initiative
- the implementation of the Council Recommendation on health-enhancing physical activity and the EU Physical Activity Guidelines
- the support to theimplementation of the European Week of Sport
- the promotion of sport and physical activity as a tool for health
- the promotion of all activities encouraging the practice of sport and physical activity
- promotion of traditional sport and games
The project has to focus on one of these objectives. It can also focus on the remaining objectives but the main objective must be clearly identifiable and prevailing in the proposal.
It provides financial support for the organization of one European-wide sport event in one EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme or for the organisation of European local events in several EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme.
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Expected effects and impacts
The expected impact of this action is:
- increased awareness as regards the role of sport in promoting social inclusion, equal opportunities and health enhancing physical activity (HEPA);
- increased participation in sport, physical activity and voluntary activity.
Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
Iceland (Ísland), Liechtenstein, North Macedonia (Северна Македонија), Norway (Norge), Serbia (Srbija/Сpбија), Türkiye
eligible entities
Education and training institution, International organization, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Other, Private institution, incl. private company (private for profit), Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), Research Institution incl. University, Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities, if applicable) must:
- be legal entities (public or private bodies)
- be established in EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme.
- be active in the field of sport
For example, such organisation can be (non-exhaustive list):
- a public body in charge of sport at local, regional or national level;
- a sport organisation at local, regional, national, European or international level;
- a National Olympic Committee or National Sport confederation;
- an organisation representing the 'sport for all' movement;
- an organisation active in the field of physical activity promotion;
- an organisation representing the active leisure sector;
- an organisation active in the field of education, training or youth.
A Not-for-profit European Sport Event is transnational and involves:
- For the European local event (Type I): involves between 3 and 5 organisations. Each organisation must come from different EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme.
- For the European local event (Type II): a minimum of 6 organisations coming from 6 different EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme
- For the European-wide event: a minimum of 10 organisations (1 single applicant + 9 participating organisations presented as associated partners) coming from 10 different EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme.
other eligibility criteria
For the European local events (Type I and II) the activities must take place in each EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme involved in the Not-for-profit European Sport Event.
For the European-wide event, the activities must take place in the EU Member State or third country associated to the Program.
Funding rules:
The contributions for Not–for–profit European Sport Events take the form of lump sums. The amount of the fixed lump sum depends on the number of events and number of organisations involved in the project.
Applicants will choose between the 3 pre-defined amounts according to the number of events and number of organisations involved in the project:
- European local events type I (3-5 organisations): € 200,000.00
- European local events type II (min. 6 organisations): € 300,000.00
- European-wide events (min. 10 organisations): € 450,000.00
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSAIR - EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region, EUSALP - EU Strategy for the Alpine Space, EUSBSR - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
between 12 and 18 months
Additional Information
Applications must be submitted to the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
Each applicant must be registered as follows:
- For actions managed by the Executive Agency, applicants, affiliated entities and associated partners must register in the Funding & tender opportunities portal (FTOP) and receive a Participant Identification Code (PIC). Organisations/groups that have already obtained a PIC through their participation in other EU programmes do not need to register again. The PIC obtained from this previous registration is valid also for applying under Erasmus+;
- For actions managed by National Agencies, applicants must if not already done, register through the Organisation Registration system for Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps and receive an Organisation ID.
Applications must be complete containing all parts and mandatory annexes. Only clerical errors can be corrected after the submission deadline upon request of the managing agency for duly justified cases.
For actions managed by the Executive Agency, applications must be submitted electronically via the Funding & Tenders Portal Electronic Submission System: Applications (including annexes and supporting documents) must be submitted using the forms provided in the Submission System.
Proposals must be complete and contain all the requested information and all required annexes and supporting documents:
- Application Form Part A — contains administrative information about the participants (future coordinator, beneficiaries and affiliated entities) and the summarised budget for the project (to be filled in directly online)
- Application Form Part B — contains the technical description of the project (to be downloaded from the Portal Submission System, completed and then assembled and re-uploaded)
- Part C (to be filled in directly online, if any) containing additional project data
Applications (Part B) are limited to 40 pages for calls for low value grants (EUR 60 000 or below); 120 pages for calls with high value grants ( EUR 4 000 000) and 70 for all other calls. Evaluators will not consider any additional pages.
For actions managed by the Erasmus+ National Agencies, applications must be submitted electronically via the forms available in the Erasmus+ website and the websites of the Erasmus+ National Agencies.
Call documents
Erasmus+ Programmleitfaden 2023 - DEErasmus+ Programmleitfaden 2023 - DE(5553kB)
Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2023-ENErasmus+ Programme Guide 2023-EN(835kB)
European Education and Culture Executive Agency
European Education and Culture Executive Agency-Sport
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