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EIT Health Flagships Call 2024
Funding Program
European Institute of Innovation and Technology
28.02.2024 00:00
Call budget
€ 11,000,000.00
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short description
With a total budget available of 11 million euros, EIT Health will fund up to 22 projects and programmes to develop their innovation ideas targeted at providing products, services and courses that will address current unmet needs. EIT Health’s unique position as a neutral platform that can act as both a strategic and an implementation instrument enables us to open this Call to everyone. Organisations, both small and large including existing Partners, start-ups, healthcare providers, research bodies, payors, policy bodies, institutions and municipalities are all invited to actively participate.
Call objectives
All activities will need to relate to one of EIT Health’s two priority areas, otherwise known as Flagships. The topics have been chosen to match with Europe’s top health priorities:
- “New models to deliver healthcare”: This Flagship aims to support the delivery of new models to deliver healthcare utilising evidence-based approaches leveraged by robust analysis of patient experiences, as well as clinical and economic data. The Flagship is focusing on the concept of value-based healthcare, where success is measured through patients’ outcomes and the shift of healthcare from treatment to prevention.
- “Digital transformation of healthcare”: This Flagship aims to support the digital health transformation in Europe and will focus on the development of, and access to, digital medical devices. It will also support the implementation of the European Health Data Space through exploring the secondary use of data. It will finally focus on how patients, citizens, and healthcare professionals are trained to understand the importance and relevance of data sharing in informing and improving the continuum of care pathways.
The call aims at funding up to nine Technology and Service Development activities, distributed across shorter (9 months) and longer activities (18 months), covering different clinical areas and unmet needs.
Furthermore, the call intends to fund up to four Education-related programmes (leading up to 14 activities that will be selected) using different formats and addressed to specific target audiences, with a focus on online modules combined with face-to-face activities offered through the EIT Health Academy and other labelled activities. Please find below the overview of activities that will be called in each Flagship with specific criteria:
Flagship |
Type of activity |
Category |
Cut off |
Duration of activity |
Max Grant (€) |
New models to deliver healthcare | EIT Health Innovation Days Series (i-Days) - New cities | Education-related programmes | Cut off 1 | one event in 2024, one in 2025 | 20.000 |
New models to deliver healthcare | Modules towards a Labelled Fellowship Programme | Education-related programmes | Cut off 1 | 9-12 months | 200.000 (for 30 ECTs equivalent) |
New models to deliver healthcare | Service Development activity | Technology and Service Development activities | Cut off 1 | 18 months | 1.150.000 |
Digital transformation of healthcare | EIT Health Innovation Days Series (i-Days) | Education-related programmes | Cut off 1 | n/a | n/a |
Digital transformation of healthcare | Master Degree Programme | Education-related programmes | Cut off 1 | 4 years | see call document |
Digital transformation of healthcare | Modules towards EIT Labelled Certification | Education-related programmes | Cut off 1 | 12 months | 50.000 (per module) |
Digital transformation of healthcare | Modules towards a Labelled Fellowship Programme | Education-related programmes | Cut off 1 | 9-12 months | 100.000 (for 15 ECTs equivalent) |
Digital transformation of healthcare | Technology development activity | Technology and Service Development activities | Cut off 1 | 18 months | 1.000.000 |
Digital transformation of healthcare | DiGinnovation programme | Technology and Service Development activities | Cut off 2 | 9 months | 350.000 |
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Expected results
With the ambition to contribute to some of the top health priorities that have been identified at EU level, EIT Health is calling for activities in Innovation and Transformation through funding different activities/programmes in each Flagship.
New models to deliver healthcare (NMDH)
The selected activities will deliver innovative solutions that provide compelling evidence, based on patient reported outcomes and real-world data, which can convince payors that the value brought to the patient justifies the evolution of the reimbursement models, thereby promoting the incorporation of innovative solutions and services into new markets. EIT Health welcome consortiums including healthcare service providers and their corresponding payors, steered by industry providers that have reached commercialisation stage to apply to Service Development activities.
Several transversal activities will support innovators and change agents along their entire innovation journey. The online EIT Health Academy and, more specifically, the High Value Care track, will provide ongoing support and learning modules towards upskilling graduates and professionals. To strengthen this track, EIT Health welcome consortiums who could deliver Flagship-related content courses that will contribute to the EIT Labelled fellowship on advanced high value care principles.
Digital Transformation of Healthcare (DTH)
EIT Health welcome applications from consortiums who have reached Proof of Value or Initial Clinical Trials (IML 5-6) stage within the Technology Development activities. These activities aim to validate regulatory approvals of digital medical devices. It is strongly recommended, if applicable, that such activities leverage existing health registries or biobanks, to expedite the clinical validation of their solutions and market access.
Further start-ups and scale-ups with CE-marked, patient-centered DMDs (level IML7 - Validation of Solution and IML8 - Approval & Launch) are invited to apply to the DiGinnovation Programme, that is aimed at supporting the activity to achieve reimbursement coverage (IML9 - Clinical Use).
Several transversal activities will support innovators and change agents along their entire innovation and transformation journey. While Innovation Days (i-Days) kick-off the mindset to foster changes among the earliest entrepreneurs, who can also enhance their skills within a Master Degree programme, the online EIT Health Academy will provide ongoing support and learning modules upskilling Master and PhD level learners as well as healthcare and medical professionals in digital health topics through the Labelled Fellowship Programme. Further, non-degree education modules will be set-up and delivered through the EIT Health Academy that aim at raising awareness and attracting talents to the healthcare sector, in addition to training professionals in the technical competencies needed in a digitally transformed health system.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
Moldova (Moldova), Albania (Shqipëria), Armenia (Հայաստան), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина), Faeroes (Føroyar / Færøerne), Georgia (საქართველო), Iceland (Ísland), Israel (ישראל / إِسْرَائِيل), Kosovo (Kosova/Kosovë / Косово), Montenegro (Црна Гора), Morocco (المغرب), New Zealand (Aotearoa), North Macedonia (Северна Македонија), Norway (Norge), Serbia (Srbija/Сpбија), Switzerland (Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera), Tunisia (تونس /Tūnis), Türkiye, Ukraine (Україна), United Kingdom
eligible entities
EU Body, Education and training institution, International organization, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Other, Private institution, incl. private company (private for profit), Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), Research Institution incl. University, Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
At short proposal stage (when applicable)
- The consortium must include at least two participants coming from two different and independent institutions. Not applicable for the Master Degree activity and the DiGinnovation programme. For the Education programmes, it is preferred that the final consortium is already established at short proposal stage, as required in the specifics for the activity. For Fellowships, the presence of the non-academic partner may be confirmed at the second stage.
- For the Education programmes (if applicable), commitment to ECTS delivery, validated expertise in the Flagship topics and application for UEMS EACCME accreditation (where healthcare professionals are target audience) is expected. EIT Health is mindful of national variability in terms of re-accreditation of masters programmes. Relevant flexibility will be addressed in the consortium, including the validation of the students' recruitment dates.
At full proposal/single proposal stage
- Each consortium must have at least one EIT Health member of the association as part of the consortium.
- Each consortium must include participants residing in at least two eligible countries, participating through two different Co-Location Centres (CLCs).
- Each consortium must involve organisations from two sides of the Knowledge Triangle, e.g., industry and healthcare provider; higher education institution and industry, etc.
- Each consortium must contribute to the European Green Deal and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Therefore, they should add at least one CUST KPI that proves how they contribute to the reduction of the environmental impact of their activity and at least 2 SDGs that the activity will contribute to.
- Each consortium, except consortiums applying to Education programmes, must contribute to the EIT and EIT Health Dissemination and Promotion, and must follow the communication, dissemination, open science and visibility rules, including branding guidelines and obligations (set out in MGA Article 17). A communication, dissemination and outreach plan is required for each activity, including those providing financial support to third parties.
- Each consortium must complete the mandatory Ethical, Legal and Social Implications self-assessment checklist related to Horizon Europe in the EIT Health application system. Please see Horizon Europe guidance here, if needed.
- The final recipients of funding must comply with the IPR rules under the MGA Article 16.
Please find more detailed eligibility for the different activities in the call document pages 7-30.
other eligibility criteria
- This call follows the principle of equal opportunity, and is therefore open to applications for funding from both EIT Health association members and applicants outside of the EIT Health Partnership.
- To be eligible for funding, all applicants must be established in one of the Member States (MS) including their outermost regions, the Overseas Countries and Territories linked to the Member States or in countries associated to Horizon Europe as well as certain low- and middle-income countries.
- Entities from Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) are eligible for funding under the same conditions as entities from the Member States to which the OCT in question is linked.
- UK entities will now be eligible to directly receive EIT funding, if selected as a part of a granted project consortia and will be treated as all other participants from Horizon Europe participating and associated countries. UK entities selected as part of prior calls for proposals (2023 and prior) will continue to be covered by the local UK reimbursement scheme. Further information on this topic can be found on the UK Research and Innovation website or by reaching out to the EIT Health Ireland-UK Co-location Centre.
- Switzerland is currently not an associated country of the Horizon Europe programme. As such, Swiss entities are not directly eligible to receive EIT funding, when part of a selected project consortia. Entities can receive up to €60,000 in EIT funding within the EIT Health Business Plan 2023-2025. However, for funding above €60,000 organisations need to refer to the Swiss national reimbursement scheme. In the current non-associated third country mode, researchers and innovators in Switzerland are funded directly by the Swiss Confederation if the complete project proposal has been positively evaluated. Further information is available on the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) of Switzerland or by reaching out to the EIT Health Germany-Switzerland Co-location Centre.
- Due to a decision by the Council of the European Union, published on and effective as of 15 December 2022, certain Hungarian “public trust foundations” are currently not eligible to receive funding under the Horizon Europe and Erasmus programmes. These Hungarian entities can still participate without receiving EIT funding, as an Associated partner, if allowed by the call conditions. Further information can be found on the EU Commission Funding and Tenders FAQ website. EU Commission Funding and Tenders FAQ website.
- Individuals cannot apply for funding under this call.
- Non-EIT Health members will only be eligible to receive funding after they have acceded to the relevant EIT Health legal framework.
- The provisions of the Articles of Association and By-Laws of the EIT Health association (EIT Health e.V) will apply to partners of selected activity consortiums. All project participants of funded EIT Health projects must adhere to the EIT Health Fee Model. For more information on the fee model please check our website section here.
- The maximum amount of financial support provided to individual entities within the 3-year duration of the Grant Agreement between EIT Health and EIT, namely 2023-2025 should not exceed EUR 6,000,000.
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSAIR - EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region, EUSALP - EU Strategy for the Alpine Space, EUSBSR - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
Additional Information
The application will be done through the EIT Health Application Platform. New applicants will need to register on the application platform.
If the applicant is already an EIT Health member, or has registered as an External project Partner in previous Call(s) on our platform PLAZA, the corresponding data for the organisation will be available in the application platform.
However, the applicant will still need to create a new account as an individual and link themselves to their organisation.
The approval of this link might take up to 48 hours and extra information on the organisation profile might be requested.
Call documents
EIT Health Flagships Call 2024 Executive SummaryEIT Health Flagships Call 2024 Executive Summary(792kB)
EIT Health Flagships Call 2024 Call DocumentEIT Health Flagships Call 2024 Call Document(584kB)
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