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Regional Innovation Scheme Urban Mobility Specialists (RISUMS) Open Call 2025
Funding Program
European Institute of Innovation and Technology
30.09.2024 17:00
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 1,500,000.00
Link to the call
Link to the submission
Call content
short description
This Call for Proposals aims to select the strongest proposals that will deliver activities to support the EIT's RIS strategy in the selected regions and countries in all fields of activity, such as enlarging the network, scouting and supporting new talents or startups, and deploying new mobility solutions. More particularly, the selected RIS Urban Mobility Specialists (RISUMS) proposals will foster close interactions between local innovation actors and link local innovation ecosystems to the KIC’s pan-European innovation ecosystem. They will also help integrate potential new partners and participants from the local innovation ecosystem in KIC activities.
Call objectives
Proposals submitted to this Call for RISUMS country specialists should include an activity plan in one country/region to deliver on the mission of attracting new local partners (also called members) to EIT Urban Mobility’s pan-European community, as well as providing targeted support to individuals and entities from EIT RIS-eligible countries to take part in EIT Urban Mobility activities and benefit from our services and programmes.
In doing so, RISUMS will generate business results, startup investments, and tangible benefits for local stakeholders measurable by RISUM-specific common list KPIs and by their contribution to framework KPIs (EIT core KPIs).
Integrating RISUMS into the EIT Community RIS Hubs is also a top priority. The RISUMS will work in close cooperation with the EIT Community RIS Hub, which represents all the EIT KICs in the country through an EIT Community Officer. Cooperation will involve information exchange, data sharing, alignment on events, stakeholder meetings, etc.
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Expected results
Proposals must address at least two of the following areas (also called Work Packages):
- Local community building
- Impact Ventures support
- Innovation support
- Education support
Preference is given to proposals that address the four Work Packages. Proposals offering support in all these areas will receive a higher score in the evaluation. Please find more information about the work packages on pages 16-20 of the call document.
Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
eligible entities
Education and training institution, International organization, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Other, Private institution, incl. private company (private for profit), Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), Research Institution incl. University, Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
This Call for Proposals is strategically focused on RIS countries, and is therefore open to all legal entities (for example SMEs, start-up accelerators, research & technology organisations, or large businesses) established in the following EU Member States and Third countries associated to Horizon Europe: Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Türkiye.It is also open to the following regions, covering several EU Member States and Third countries associated to Horizon Europe: Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Cyprus, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia.
This Call for Proposals is intended to select only one proposal per country and per region. In other words, each proposal must cover only one country or region. It is open to multi-participant proposals (a consortium of several entities) and mono-participant proposals (one single entity). In the case of a consortium, the proposals must fulfil the following eligibility criteria:
- The proposal must be composed of a maximum of three independent entities from the eligible countries mentioned above.
- Each entity must be identified as a specialist in at least one area covered by the proposal: start-up acceleration, education and training, and business development.
- Accordingly, each consortium partner should lead at least one of the four work packages (WPs) (i.e. one partner can cover more than one area of expertise).
Additionally, the applicants applying to this Call (through multi-participant proposals and mono-participant proposals) must meet the following eligibility criteria related to the competencies:
- All entities must have had an office in the respective country of the application for at least three years by the closing date of this Call. In the case of regional applications (e.g. the application for the region covering Croatia + Slovenia + Bosnia and Herzegovina), the office in any of the relevant countries will be accepted.
- All areas should be covered by key expert(s) with relevant experience. They should be a native speaker of the respective language and have excellent English skills. In the case of Malta, only English will be required.
- All areas should be covered by key expert(s) with at least a three-year track record by the closing date of this Call in the field of innovation support in the country/region of the application.
If qualified, one key expert may cover several areas. In such cases, please nominate the expert for each position separately. If an area is not covered in the proposal, the corresponding key expert does not need to be provided; however, the connected scoring of the expert/area will be lost.
The Lead Applicant of each proposal is requested to submit a signed self-declaration of competencies (on behalf of the consortium, if any) when submitting the proposal, to declare that the entity/entities involved in the proposal fulfil this requirement. A self-declaration template is available on the Call webpage.
other eligibility criteria
If an application is selected for funding, applicants will be required to become part of the community and choose one of the following membership categories when starting their projects:
- Gold members: pay an annual fee of €30,000 and have full access to all benefit packages offered by EIT Urban Mobility.
- Silver members: pay an annual fee of €10,000 and have limited access to all benefit packages offered by EIT Urban Mobility.
- In the case of Small and Micro Enterprises, and NGOs, a reduced annual fee of €5,000 will be applied. Small and Micro organisations in RIS countries (such as SMEs, NGOs and small cities) which are granted a yearly EIT funding allocation of less than €30,000 are eligible to apply for the membership fee waiver. The decision to grant the waiver will be taken on a case-by-case basis. (To apply for the membership fee waiver, all the EIT Urban Mobility funding allocated to the entity in all projects will be counted, and the total must be lower than €30,000 per year)
- Cities are offered a special membership package: with an annual fee of €10,000, they have full access to the gold membership package and the additional city-specific service.
Informative yearly estimation of budget clusters:
- Micro regions/countries (Malta): funding available between €50,000 and €70,000
- Small regions/countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Bulgaria): funding available between €70,000 and €100,000
- Medium-sized regions/countries (Croatia + Slovenia + Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece + Cyprus, Hungary, Portugal, Serbia + Montenegro + North Macedonia): funding available between €90,000 and €120,000
- Large regions/countries (Romania, Poland, Türkiye): funding available between €140,000 and €180,000
It is important to highlight that the above budget clusters are merely informative estimations of the expected project size and should only be used as a rule.
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSAIR - EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region, EUSALP - EU Strategy for the Alpine Space, EUSBSR - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
48 months
Additional Information
Before starting to draft a proposal, all applicants (Project Leader and consortium partners) must follow the following steps:
- STEP 1: register in the EU Funding & tender opportunities portal to obtain the nine-digit Participant Identification Code (PIC number). If an organisation has already a PIC number, there is no need to register again.
- STEP 2: access the new EIT Urban Mobility NetSuite platform, by submitting the Partner Information Form (PIF). NB: For organisations that previously participated in an EIT Urban Mobility project, and therefore are already registered in the PLAZA platform, do not submit the PIF form but contact the EIT Urban Mobility Service Desk you will be provided with the credentials to access the new NetSuite platform.
- STEP 3: access the EIT Urban Mobility NetSuite platform and find the open calls under menu --> Call for Proposals --> Open Calls.
The following documentation must be submitted by the Lead Applicant through NetSuite no later than 30 September 2024 at 17.00 CET.
- Application Form (mandatory)
- Self-declaration of competencies (mandatory)
- CVs in English of the key experts - for all three areas if applicable (mandatory)
- PFT budget proportion calculation table (mandatory)
- Project Budget Forecast for 2026-2028 (mandatory)
- Video pitch link (mandatory)
Call documents
Regional Innovation Scheme Urban Mobility Specialists (RISUMS) Open Call 2025 Call documentRegional Innovation Scheme Urban Mobility Specialists (RISUMS) Open Call 2025 Call document(565kB)
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