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Interreg Baltic Sea Region - Project Platforms
Funding Program
Interreg Baltic Sea Region
21.10.2024 11:46
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 12,600,000.00
Estimated EU contribution per project
max. € 1,200,000.00
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short description
The Programme is launching the first call for project platforms, under Priority 4 ‘Cooperation governance’, Programme objective 4.1 ‘Project platforms’.
Call objectives
Project platforms are Interreg Baltic Sea Region’s main capitalisation tool. They enable project partners to consolidate the outcomes of Interreg Baltic Sea Region projects, and integrate them with results from projects of other funding programmes.
Project platforms support public authorities and relevant organisations in using consolidated project results in their work. This is how they help them govern and manage their areas more effectively. This, in turn, allows to tackle territorial challenges and influence policy improvements with greater impact.
By bringing partners from Interreg Baltic Sea Region projects and other EU funded projects together, project platforms are operations of strategic importance (OSI). They provide a significant contribution to the achievement of the Programme objectives under Priority 1 Innovative societies, Priority 2 Water-smart societies, and Priority 3 Climate-neutral societies.
Expected results
Project platforms should set a thematic focus aligned with one of the Programme thematic objectives within the three Programme priorities.
Priority 1 Innovative societies
Project platform applications should contribute to one of Priority 1 Programme objectives: 1.1 Resilient
economies and communities or 1.2 Responsive public services.
Within the thematic focus of Priority 1, the Programme particularly encourages the development of a project platform on ‘Smart and sustainable cities attractive to citizens’. Such a project platform should consolidate solutions addressing various challenges related to urban areas and engaging public authorities in transforming cities into more innovative and smarter environments. This project platform should concentrate on enhancing different types of public services for citizens in cities, thereby contributing to Programme Objective 1.2 Responsive public services.
Furthermore, the Programme invites applicants to develop project platforms in the following topics: ‘Improving mental health & well-being’, ‘Sustainable transformation through social innovations’, ‘Creative industries and culture sector resilience’, and ‘Advancing natural and cultural heritage assets’.
Additionally, applicants are invited to consider other topics not covered above and develop project platforms relevant to the Programme objectives in Priority 1.
Priority 2 Water-smart societies
Project platform applications should contribute to one of Priority 2 Programme objectives: 2.1 Sustainable waters or 2.2 Blue economy.
Within the thematic focus of Priority 2, the Programme particularly encourages the development of project platforms on ‘Closing water and nutrient loop’ and ‘Resilient coastal management’. A project platform on ‘Closing water and nutrient loop’ should consolidate solutions addressing nutrient pollution, increase water reuse and application of nature-based solutions in nutrient management. A project platform on ‘Resilient coastal management’ should consolidate sustainable practices in coastal areas of the Baltic Sea region, with various aspects such as pollution mitigation, climate adaptation, wastewater treatment, and land-sea interactions. Project platforms should consider the contribution to the Programme Objective 2.1 Sustainable waters.
Furthermore, the Programme invites applicants to develop project platforms on the topics: ‘Preventing pollution by hazardous substances’ and ‘Safe navigation on sea’.
Additionally, applicants are invited to consider other topics not covered above and develop project platforms relevant to the Programme objectives in Priority 2.
Priority 3 Climate-neutral societies
Project platform applications should contribute to one of Priority 3 Programme objectives: 3.1 Circular economy, 3.2 Energy transition, or 3.3 Smart green mobility.
Within the thematic focus of Priority 3, the Programme particularly encourages the development of project platforms on ‘Circular bioeconomy’ and ‘Renewably powered communities’. A project platform on ‘Circular bioeconomy’ should explore the linkages between public planning and private initiatives in the circular bioeconomy, sharing experiences across multiple sectors and geographic areas, thereby contributing to the Programme Objective 3.1 Circular economy. A project platform on ‘Renewably powered communities’ should consolidate solutions for better regional energy and climate planning, renewable energy production and energy consumption, thereby contributing to the Programme Objective 3.2 Energy transition.
Furthermore, the Programme invites applicants to develop project platforms on the following topics: ‘Circular food systems’, ‘Taking up alternative fuels’, and ‘Active and efficient urban transportation’.
Additionally, applicants are invited to consider other topics not covered above and develop project platforms relevant to the Programme objectives in Priority 3.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
eligible entities
Education and training institution, International organization, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Other, Private institution, incl. private company (private for profit), Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), Research Institution incl. University, Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
The partnership of a project platform should be strategically crafted, involving project partners with comprehensive knowledge of their projects’ outcomes. It should be based on partners from ongoing or recently completed Interreg Baltic Sea Region projects, and involve partners from projects of other funding programmes. Projects can be from the current (2021-2027) or previous (2014-2020) funding periods as long as they provide useful results for capitalisation.
Each partner of a project platform should either represent a project with relevant outcomes or act as a representative of a knowledge multiplier, like EUSBSR policy area coordinators, pan-Baltic organisations, other international organisations, and networks of cities and regions.
Project platform partners must represent at least two different projects from Interreg Baltic Sea Region and at least one project from another funding programme. It is encouraged to adopt a broader approach by involving partners from multiple projects across various funding programmes. This approach enriches the outcomes of a project platform, enhances its value for public authorities and other relevant organisations, and aligns with the strategic importance of project platforms.
The project platform partnership must include at least three project partners from three different countries of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme area: a lead partner and at least two project partners. At least two of the project partners have to be located in the territory of two different EU Member States in the Programme area. Given the strategic relevance of project platforms, applicants are encouraged to build partnerships that ensure a good outreach to relevant organisations in the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme area.
As a general rule, organisations located in the regions belonging to the Programme area can become project partners. In exceptional cases, organisations from outside the Programme area can also apply as project partners.
The partnership builds on the lead partner principle, requiring each project platform to designate a lead partner responsible for preparing and submitting the application. The lead partner should be a partner organisation from an Interreg Baltic Sea Region project or an EUSBSR policy area coordinator. Lead partners must fall into the legal status category “public” defined in the Programme Manual (chapter C.2.1).
When involving project partners from other funding programmes, project platforms are encouraged to consider the following programmes: various Interreg programmes (inter alia, Central Baltic, South Baltic, Germany-Denmark, Aurora, Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak, Estonia-Latvia, Latvia-Lithuania, Lithuania-Poland, Sweden-Norway, Northern Periphery and Arctic, North Sea Region, Central Europe, Interreg Europe), as well as other EU funding programmes like Horizon Europe, LIFE, national and regional programmes under the ESF+ and ERDF, and instruments run by regional organisations such as the Council of the Baltic Sea States and the Swedish Institute.
Additionally, project platforms are encouraged to involve other important stakeholders as associated organisations.
other eligibility criteria
The Programme area covers nine countries. It comprises the following EU Member States:
- Denmark: the whole country
- Estonia: the whole country
- Finland: the whole country
- Germany: the States (Länder) of Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schleswig-Holstein and Niedersachsen (only NUTS II area Lüneburg region)
- Latvia: the whole country
- Lithuania: the whole country
- Poland: the whole country
- Sweden: the whole country
In addition, a third country takes part in the Programme:
- Norway: the Regions of Trøndelag, Møre og Romsdal, Vestland, Rogaland, Agder, Vestfold og Telemark, Viken, Innlandet, Oslo
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSBSR - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
max. 36 months
Additional Information
Lead applicants must complete a project platform idea form (PIF) and submit it to the MA/JS. The PIF should provide a brief overview of the projects to be included in the project platform, and the project platform’s scope, partnership, planned outcomes, and budget. The completed PIF must be sent to the MA/JS any time after the call opens but no later than 21 October 2024.
The MA/JS will support the development of project platforms by providing feedback in individual consultations on project platform ideas and organising a project platform development workshop. All applicants are required to consult their project platform ideas with the MA/JS.
Whenever possible, the applicant should involve the relevant EUSBSR policy area coordinators in developing the project platform idea. With applicants’ consent, PIFs will be shared with the relevant EUSBSR policy area coordinators (PACs) for feedback from PACs. When feasible, the MA/JS will engage the PACs in consultations with applicants.
PIFs submitted to the MA/JS will be made available to the Monitoring Committee of the Programme. The Monitoring Committee members may contact lead applicants to offer guidance on further developing project platform ideas. The MA/JS will not receive information about the guidance provided by the Monitoring Committee members. It is up to the project platform partnership to consider how to incorporate the advice received.
Information provided in the project platform idea form, including feedback from the MA/JS during the consultation, will not influence the quality assessment of the submitted applications. The MA/JS will conduct the quality assessment solely based on the information from the submitted applications.
To further support applicants, the MA/JS will organise a development workshop for project platforms as a physical event targeting lead applicants, core partners, and PACs. The event is planned for 26 September 2024 in Riga. To participate in the event, a potential project platform lead applicant needs to submit a PIF.
To fill in a project platform application form and work with further documents and forms (partner declarations, contact information, bank information), lead applicants, after having submitted a PIF, must apply for access to the electronic data exchange system BAMOS+ ( Requests for access to BAMOS+ must be submitted by 21 October 2024 at the latest.
The fully developed project application and all further documents and forms must be completed and submitted via BAMOS+ by the deadline of 9 December 2024 16:00 CET.
Call documents
Interreg Baltic Sea - Call for Project PlatformsInterreg Baltic Sea - Call for Project Platforms(286kB)
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