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First Call Interreg BG-TR 2021-2027
Funding Program
Interreg Bulgaria-Türkiye
24.07.2023 16:00
Funding rate
Call budget
€ 13,423,529.00
Estimated EU contribution per project
between € 500,000.00 and € 1,000,000.00
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Call content
short description
Call 1 for concept notes of project proposals under the Territorial Strategy of the INTERREG Bulgaria-Türkiye Programme 2021-2027 is for project ideas that contribute to the achievement of Specific objective 1 “Achieving sustainable and inclusive economic growth based on increased competitiveness of the local economy, digital and green transformation”.
Call objectives
The Specific objective 1 is based on the following fields of intervention:
- Competitiveness and business environment;
- Digitalisation and climate neutrality of the local economy;
- Employability and labour market adaptability;
- Tourism;
- Ecosystem practices and services in the management of natural assets with tourism potential
Expected results
- Joint and cooperative actions for promoting entrepreneurship, digitalization, technological modernization, participation in regional value chains and internationalisation, applying new business and technology innovation models, upgrading production and outreach strategies, wider adoption and implementation of circularity principles, solutions and models; marketing and research.
- Upskilling and building new knowledge and skills of local employees and NEETs; joint development and implementation of new or improving existent settings for remote work; adoption of new human resource management practices to deal with younger generations
- Joint development of new integrated regional tourist products where applicable with zero environmental footprint with the aim to overcome the seasonality in the sector, to increase the number of visitors and nights spent, to improve the access and quality of the tourism infrastructure by also strengthening the links between natural and cultural sites on both sides of the border, including through cross-border expansion of cycling path network; upgrading marketing and branding practices
- Promoting joint actions for the development of ecosystem practices and services in the management of natural assets with tourism potential
- Support for joint actions aimed at wide implementation of consumer-oriented approaches in the provision of services of general interest, as well as by incorporating digital and green solutions for servicing in a cross-border environment
- Implementation of joint actions to reduce pollution and ecological footprint, and provide clean air, water and food, to mitigate and adapt to climate change and to prevent and mitigate the consequences of natural and man-made disasters.
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Eligibility Criteria
Regions / countries for funding
eligible entities
Education and training institution, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), Research Institution incl. University, Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
Mandatory partnership
Project Partnership
The development and the implementation of the project idea must include at least one partner from each side of the border region. Maximum number of partners is not set, however, the relevancy of the proposed partnership is subject to quality assessment at this stage. Therefore, interested organisations to apply are advised to carefully consider and rationalise the setup of the project partnership to make sure there is no partner who lacks expertise needed to address the identified challenge of the project idea.
Project partners may participate in up to two project proposals submitted under the present Call. However, a Lead partner may participate in only one project as such and in maximum one more project as a regular project partner. When a project partner participates in two proposals it should make sure that the targeted population differs in each of the two projects.
Lead partners need to be registered and to operate in the programme area for at least 3 years prior to the application. Project partners need to be registered and to operate in the programme area for at least 2 years prior to the application. In case a structure of local/regional/national authority is not and cannot act as a legal entity, its legally established central organisation, if such exists, shall be the project partner. Project partners located outside the programme area, but within Bulgaria and Türkiye, can also be eligible, however such partners shall bring a clear benefit to the programme area and shall meet any of the criteria for eligibility. Their involvement is considered as exceptional and must be duly justified.
The project partners from the two participating countries have to cooperate obligatory in joint development and joint implementation. In addition, the project has to comply with one of the following partnership principles as well: joint staffing or joint financing.
other eligibility criteria
The Bulgaria- Türkiye cross border (CB) area is located in South East Europe and covers 5 NUTS III territorial units (or equivalent), namely: 3 districts on the Bulgarian side – Burgas, Yambol and Haskovo and 2 provinces on the Turkish side – Edirne and Kırklareli.
Additional information
Relevance for EU Macro-Region
EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
project duration
between 12 and 24 months
Additional Information
Applicants need to register in Jems and open a project application form in Jems. The following annexes (annexes 1, 1.1, 2 and 3) must be attached to the Jems project application form:
- ANNEX 1: Off-line application form of the concept note;
- ANNEX 1.1: Budget forecast of the concept note;
- ANNEX 2: Scanned Letter of Commitment, filled in by all project partners (incl. the lead partner) and signed by the legal representative of the respective project partner;
- ANNEX 3: Scanned Project Maturity Development Plan, filled in by all project partners (incl. the lead partner) and signed by the legal representative of the respective project partner
Annexes 4 and 5 are only for information purposes, as follows:
- Annex 4: Indicators fishes is only for information. Applicants are strongly encouraged to get acquainted with the indicators and their definitions before starting developing their project ideas.
- Annex 5: Technical guidance for Jems provides instructions accompanied by screen shots for registration, generation of an application and its submission in Jems.
Call documents
Interreg Bulgaria-Turkey 1st call: guidelinesInterreg Bulgaria-Turkey 1st call: guidelines(1399kB)
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