


EuroVienna - EU-consulting & -management GmbH

A-1090 Vienna, Universitätsstraße 4/3-4

VAT ID ATU63528828

Company Register HG Wien, FN 295503p

Member of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce

☎ +43 1 89 08 088 2905



Object of the company of the media owner / publisher:

The object of the company is consulting, processing and first level control of subsidies, in particular EU subsidies, further training measures in the field of EU project and financial management and labour leasing, mainly for its shareholders, the non-profit Vienna Employee Promotion Fund (WAFF) and Wien Holding GmbH, as well as their affiliated companies and institutions, and to a minor extent for other natural persons and legal entities. In addition to the area of subsidies, the consulting services also include management consulting. In addition, the company carries out a small number of funding projects independently or in cooperation with partners.

Disclosure of the publication line according to § 25 para. 4 of the Austrian Media Act:

Information on the basic direction of the medium ("Blattlinie"):

The EuroAccess website operated by EuroVienna - EU-consulting & -management GmbH is an information and service facility for clients and the interested public.

It primarily publishes content on EU funding programmes and calls for project submissions. The contents offered on the website serve as preliminary information for interested parties.

As a service and information platform, this site also contains links to third-party websites. No liability is assumed for the content of all links leading to pages outside or, and the respective operators are responsible for the information contained therein.

Authorised representative bodies:


Sylvia Fuchs


EuroVienna - EU-consulting & -management GmbH is 100% owned by Wien Holding GmbH.

Content and news editing

EuroVienna - EU-consulting & -management GmbH

Design and technical implementation

echonet communication GmbH


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The publisher compiles and edits the information published on this website to the best of its knowledge and belief, with the intention of providing users with serious and up-to-date information. All information made accessible via hyperlink or other internet-inherent techniques that are not within the direct sphere of influence of the publisher's publishing activities are the responsibility of their respective publishers. Any liability for any information contained therein as well as any consequences resulting therefrom is excluded on the part of the publisher.

In terms of production liability law, the publisher points out that errors in content cannot be completely ruled out, which is why all information is provided without guarantee. The publisher is not liable for errors that may have been caused by sources or editing. The publisher accepts no liability for the content and its effects. In particular, the publisher cannot be held responsible, directly or indirectly, for any direct or indirect consequences resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this website.

The publisher reserves the right to intervene in any content on condition that immoral, non-ethical, illegal or harmful content is removed. Furthermore, any disclaimer of liability extends to all content knowingly or unknowingly linked websites, open forums, guest books, user opinions as well as tips and other information from the Internet made accessible via this website. The published opinions do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher.

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