Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE - National Information Event on the 2nd Call

  • Interreg Central Europe ©

On 13 April, the national information event for the 2nd call in the Interreg Central Europe 2021-2027 programme will take place.

The first projects in the new programme were approved at the end of 2022 and have just started implementation. The programme is now offering the opportunity to submit new projects in all 4 programme priorities in a single-stage procedure in a second call. The 2nd call opened on 22 March and is open for submissions until 17 May 2023. 

The programme offers a wide range of services for the preparation of project proposals. This includes the national infoday, which will take place on 13 April 2023 (10:00-14:00) in an online format. Registrations are already possible. For questions, please contact the National Contact Point.


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