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Horizon Europe - Cluster 5 - Destination 3: Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply
Parent program | Horizon Europe |
Link to the program | |
Content of program
short description | An ambitious goal of the EU is to be climate neutral by 2050. Measures of the "Climate, Energy and Mobility" cluster will contribute significantly to this. Research and innovation projects in this cluster should bring significant added value for the population. This Destination includes activities targeting a sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply. In line with the scope of cluster 5, this includes activities in the areas of renewable energy; energy system, grids and storage; as well as Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS). |
program objectives | This clusters aims to fight climate change by better understanding its causes, evolution, risks, impacts and opportunities, and by making the energy and transport sectors more climate and environment-friendly, more efficient and competitive, smarter, safer and more resilient. Areas of intervention
Expected effects and impacts | Fostering the European global leadership in affordable, secure and sustainable renewable energy technologies The main impacts to be generated by topics targeting the renewable energy technologies and solutions under this Destination are:
Energy systems, grids and storage All projects will contribute to an increased capacity of the system to integrate renewable energy sources and less curtailment at transmission and distribution level. The main expected impacts are:
Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) The main impacts to be generated by topics targeting the renewable energy technologies and solutions under this Destination are:
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Regions / countries for funding | EU Member States, Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) Moldova (Moldova), Albania (Shqipëria), Armenia (Հայաստան), Azerbaijan (Azərbaycan), Belarus (Беларусь), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина), Faeroes (Føroyar / Færøerne), Georgia (საქართველო), Iceland (Ísland), Israel (ישראל / إِسْرَائِيل), Kosovo (Kosova/Kosovë / Косово), Montenegro (Црна Гора), Morocco (المغرب), New Zealand (Aotearoa), North Macedonia (Северна Македонија), Norway (Norge), Serbia (Srbija/Сpбија), Tunisia (تونس /Tūnis), Türkiye, Ukraine (Україна), United Kingdom |
eligible entities Partners |
Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME), Public Body (national, regional and local; incl. EGTCs), International organization, Education and training institution, Other, Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Private institution, incl. private company (private for profit), Research Institution incl. University |
Mandatory partnership | Yes |
Project Partnership | Unless otherwise provided for in the specific call conditions , legal entities forming a consortium are eligible to participate in actions provided that the consortium includes:
The JRC, international European research organisations and legal entities created under EU law are deemed to be established in a Member State other than those in which the other legal entities participating in the action are established. Applications for ‘Training and mobility’actions and for ‘Programme co-fund’ actions may be submitted by one or more legal entities, provided that one of those legal entities is established in a Member State or an Associated Country. Applications for ‘Coordination and support’ actions may be submitted by one or more legal entities, which may be established in a Member State, Associated Country or, in exceptional cases and if provided for in the specific call conditions, in another third country. Applications for ‘Pre-commercial procurement’ actions and ‘Public procurement of innovative solutions’ actions must include as beneficiaries a ‘buyers’ group’. This group must consist of a minimum of two independent legal entities that are public procurers, each established in a different Member State or Associated Country and with at least one of them established in a Member State. Eligible non-EU countries:
Please see the List of Participating Countries in Horizon Europe for an up-to-date list of countries with which the association agreements have started to produce legal effects (either through provisional application or their entry into force).
Legal entities which are established in countries not listed above will be eligible for funding if provided for in the specific call conditions, or if their participation is considered essential for implementing the action by the granting authority. |
Additional information
Topics | Administration & Governance, Institutional Capacity & Cooperation, Air Quality, Biodiversity & Environment, Climate & Climate Change, Water quality & management, Circular Economy, Natural Resources, Disaster Prevention, Resilience, Risk Management, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy |
Relevance for EU Macro-Region | EUSAIR - EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region, EUSALP - EU Strategy for the Alpine Space, EUSBSR - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, EUSDR - EU Strategy for the Danube Region |
UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs) | |
Program documents | HE-Work Programme 2023-2024, Cluster 5, Destination 3 (1159kB) |
Contact | National Contact Points for Horizon Europe Website |
Open calls
12.09.2023 - 16.01.2024
Accelerating the green transition and energy access in Africa
04.05.2023 - 05.09.2023
Advanced concepts for crystalline Silicon technology
04.05.2023 - 05.09.2023
Advanced exploration technologies for geothermal resources in a wide range of geological settings
04.05.2023 - 05.09.2023
Africa-EU CO-FUND action
12.09.2023 - 16.01.2024
Alternative equipment and processes for advanced manufacturing of PV technologies
12.09.2023 - 16.01.2024
Best international practice for scaling up sustainable biofuels
06.09.2022 - 10.01.2023
Components and interfacing for AC & DC side protection system – AC & DC grid: components and systems for grid optimisation
04.05.2023 - 10.10.2023
Condition & Health Monitoring in Power Electronics (PE) - Wide Band Gap PE for the energy sector
12.09.2023 - 16.01.2024
Creation of a standardised and open-source peer-to-peer energy sharing platform architecture for the energy sector
04.05.2023 - 10.10.2023
Critical technologies for the offshore wind farm of the Future
13.12.2022 - 30.03.2023
Critical technologies to improve the lifetime, efficient decommissioning and increase the circularity of offshore and onshore wind energy systems
04.05.2023 - 05.09.2023
DC and AC/DC hybrid transmission and distribution systems
12.09.2023 - 16.01.2024
Demonstration of advanced biofuel technologies for aviation and/or shipping
13.12.2022 - 30.03.2023
Demonstration of direct current powered data centres, buildings, industries and ports
13.12.2022 - 30.03.2023
Demonstration of improved intermediate renewable energy carrier technologies for transport fuels
12.09.2023 - 16.01.2024
Demonstration of innovative pumped storage equipment and tools in combination with innovative storage management systems
12.09.2023 - 16.01.2024
Demonstration of innovative, large-scale, seasonal heat and/or cooling storage technologies for decarbonisation and security of supply
13.12.2022 - 30.03.2023
Demonstration of sustainable hydropower refurbishment
04.05.2023 - 05.09.2023
Demonstration of sustainable tidal energy farms
13.12.2022 - 30.03.2023
Demonstration of sustainable wave energy farms
12.09.2023 - 16.01.2024
Demonstration of synthetic renewable fuel for aviation and/or shipping
13.12.2022 - 30.03.2023
Development and integration of advanced software tools in SCADA systems for High, Medium and Low voltage AC/DC hybrid systems
12.09.2023 - 16.01.2024
Development of CO2 transport and storage demo projects
13.12.2022 - 30.03.2023
Development of MVDC, HVDC and High-Power Transmission systems and components for a resilient grid
13.12.2022 - 30.03.2023
Development of algal and renewable fuels of non-biological origin
06.09.2022 - 10.01.2023
Development of carbon fixation technologies for biogenic flue gases
12.09.2023 - 16.01.2024
Development of digital solutions for existing hydropower operation and maintenance
06.09.2022 - 10.01.2023
Development of hydropower equipment for improving techno-economic efficiency and equipment resilience in refurbishment situations
12.09.2023 - 16.01.2024
Development of innovative power take-off and control systems for wave energy devices
04.05.2023 - 05.09.2023
Development of microalgae and/or direct solar fuel production and purification technologies for advanced aviation and /or shipping fuels
04.05.2023 - 05.09.2023
Development of near zero-emission biomass heat and/or CHP including carbon capture
04.05.2023 - 05.09.2023
Development of next generation advanced biofuel technologies
04.05.2023 - 05.09.2023
Development of novel long-term electricity storage technologies
13.12.2022 - 30.03.2023
Digital solutions for defining synergies in international renewable energy value chains
04.05.2023 - 10.10.2023
Digital tools for enhancing the uptake of digital services in the energy market
04.05.2023 - 10.10.2023
Digital twin for forecasting of power production to wind energy demand
04.05.2023 - 05.09.2023
Efficient and circular artificial photosynthesis
06.09.2022 - 10.01.2023
Efficient and low-emission technologies for industrial use of combustion and gasification systems from low-value biogenic residues and wastes
06.09.2022 - 10.01.2023
Energy Management Systems for flexibility services
12.09.2023 - 16.01.2024
Floating Photovoltaic Systems
13.12.2022 - 30.03.2023
HVAC, HVDC and High-Power cable systems
12.09.2023 - 16.01.2024
Improvement of light harvesting and carbon fixation with synthetic biology and/or bio-inspired//biomimetic pathways for renewable direct solar fuels production
12.09.2023 - 16.01.2024
Increasing the efficiency of innovative static energy conversion devices for electricity and heat/cold generation
04.05.2023 - 10.10.2023
Industrial manufacturing for lower-cost solar thermal components and systems
04.05.2023 - 05.09.2023
Innovative applications/integration of geothermal heating and cooling in industry
12.09.2023 - 16.01.2024
Innovative components and configurations for heat pumps
04.05.2023 - 05.09.2023
Innovative components and/or sub-systems for CSP plants and/or concentrating solar thermal installations
06.09.2022 - 10.01.2023
Integrated wind farm control
06.09.2022 - 10.01.2023
Integration of renewable gases, other than hydrogen or methane, and which have not access to gas grids and interfacing with electricity and heat sectors
04.05.2023 - 10.10.2023
Large Area Perovskite solar cells and modules
04.05.2023 - 05.09.2023
Low-power PV
12.09.2023 - 16.01.2024
Next generation of renewable energy technologies
12.09.2023 - 16.01.2024
Novel Thin Film (TF) technologies targeting high efficiencies
06.09.2022 - 10.01.2023
Novel thermal energy storage for CSP
04.05.2023 - 05.09.2023
Operation, Performance and Maintenance of PV Systems
04.05.2023 - 05.09.2023
Photovoltaic integration in buildings and in infrastructure
13.12.2022 - 30.03.2023
Recycling end of life PV modules
06.09.2022 - 10.01.2023
Renewable Energy Valleys to increase energy security while accelerating the green transition in Europe
13.12.2022 - 30.03.2023
Smart use of geothermal electricity and heating and cooling in the energy system
04.05.2023 - 05.09.2023
Solar Systems for Industrial Process Heat and Power
13.12.2022 - 30.03.2023
Support action to the SET Plan IWG on HVDC & DC Technologies
13.12.2022 - 30.03.2023
Support to the SET Plan IWG on hydrogen
04.05.2023 - 10.10.2023
Supporting the development of a digital twin to improve management, operations and resilience of the EU Electricity System in support to REPowerEU
13.12.2022 - 30.03.2023
Supporting the green and digital transformation of the energy ecosystem and enhancing its resilience through the development and piloting of AI-IoT Edge-cloud and platform solutions
13.12.2022 - 30.03.2023
System approach for grid planning and upgrade in support of a dominant electric mobility (vehicles and vessels) using AI tools
04.05.2023 - 10.10.2023
Waste heat reutilisation from data centres
13.12.2022 - 30.03.2023